The first piece is a "Primary Airlock", when the starship interior is finished there will be three of these airlocks connecting the two starship decks. For most soldiers, these will be the only way to get from one ship to the other to attack the enemy. The airlocks remain permanently closed at all times, but a model can pass from one side of a door to the other side by moving into base contact, and then performing a special Open/Close short skill. Models with the Infilitration and Mechanized Deployment skills will be able to start the game deployed inside of these airlocks, ready to jump into the enemy ship the moment they dock.
The third piece is a new hallway segment used to connect the larger 12" tiles. This simple piece has a small wall section on it that models can use for cover, and after I paint it I will spruce it up a little more with some cool bits from Antenocitis Workshop.
I've also nearly completed assembly on another 12" tile, "Engine Room", but I had to wait for some more plaster parts to finish drying before I can put the last touches on the piece. This tile will probably be done tomorrow night, and then I can start painting.
Finally, I was able to put the final touches on the "Cargo Bay" piece, adding tinted windows and completing the assembly. I've got a lot of painting ahead of me now to get all these pieces looking nice. Also, I still need to make the final objective tiles and several new smaller tiles before the Starship Interior table is complete. For now though, the table is more than half done, which is great news since I thought this table would require the most work before Norcon. This progress puts me comfortably ahead of schedule.
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