All of the terrain featured here will be used in a scenario called "Hostile Extraction", another one of the scenarios for the Norcon XII event. This scenario takes place in an apartment complex on Earth, where the factions are each trying to kidnap an elusive hacker; either to recruit him, put him on trial, or dissect his brain. The Hacker, a Civil model, will be hiding out in his safe house and the first army to safely break in, grab him, and lead him off the table will be the winner.
The next two photos are of fences that I made out of sheet styrene and screen door filler. I'm particularly proud of these, and I think they will make a great addition to my terrain set. A variation on these that I am currently working on will also feature barbed wire tops, which will be for use with the dockyard scenario. These are easy enough to make, and versatile enough, that I may make them for use on other tables as well.
The signs hanging on the fences were made courtesy of Topo, owner of, and one of the top ten coolest Spaniards alive today. If you are into paper folding crafts, LARPing, and wargame terrain, you should visit his site immediately. I printed the signs out on photo paper, then mounted them on small pieces of plasticard. Expect to see signs like this all over the terrain I am making, since I think they add a lot of character and realism.
The sign I took a close up of here was a must. Call it corny if you will, but I think this is a hilarious sign to put on a wargame table.
Thanks for checking it out, I'll have a lot more stuff to put up next week!
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