Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tournament Rules Recap

During the Infinity Tournament there were many times when I had to be called over for a rules clarification. Obviously, this is the job of a Tournament Organizer, and is to be expected for a game with so many new players. However, there were a couple of times that I was confused by multiple people asking me questions at the same time or I had to make a snap decision about a rule that I actually did not know.

Mistakes are a great opportunity to learn, however, so this is a good time for me clear up any that I might have made. Of course, any calls that were made during the tournament still stand, this is just an opportunity to make sure we do things right in the future.

1. Models have a minimum movement of 2-2. This means that a model crawling prone through difficult terrain can still move 2 inches as a short movement skill.

2. If the modifiers on a roll results in a penalty that is greater than the attribute being used by a model then the skill being used fails automatically and the order is lost. For example, if a model uses his BS attribute of 12 to perform a Shoot Skill, and his penalties from range and visibility result in a -15 modifier, then his attack automatically fails with no die roll and the order is lost.

3. A Light Shotgun x2 is actually a special weapon in its own right. Rather than adding the Burst value of both weapons together, this weapon has a Burst of 3. Currently shotguns are the only weapons that can be used in this manner, although there are very strong rumors that the new book will have official rules for dual-wielding weapons.

4. The only difference between an AutoMedikit and the Regeneration skill is that the AutoMedikit is a piece of equipment, and can therefore be affected by things like E/M ammunition and the Booty skill.

5. When a model attempts to lock a target using a Hacking Device Plus the target may attempt to use a Dodge skill as an ARO like he would against any other lock attempt, even if he doesn't have line of sight to the Hacker.

6. A model may attempt to shoot a target in close combat, but suffers a -6 penalty to BS for each friendly model involved in the combat. If the attacker fails to hit his target, and his failure category is equal to or less than his penalty, then he hits a friendly model. For example, a model shooting into a close combat involving one ally needs a 6 to hit, but rolls a 9; in this case the shooter hits his ally by mistake. If there are multiple friendly models in the combat then determine the victim randomly.

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