Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tournament Prizes!

I got the tournament kit for NorCon's big Infinity Event today, along with a bunch of other goodies from Corvus Belli. And here they are:

NorCon Deniable Ops 1st Place Prize:

-Limited Edition Max Scorpio Authorized Bounty Hunter mounted on a special edition Micro Arts Studios urban street resin base, painted by local award-winning artist DDestroyer.
-NorCon Event Infinity Award
-Infinity 1st Place Certificate
-Authorized Bounty Hunter pin and Max Scorpio Limited Edition pin
-1000 Points for I.T.S. International Ranking

NorCon Deniable Ops 2nd Place Prize:

-First choice of Infinity prize model: Yu-Jing Hac Tao with Missile Launcher, PanO O.R.C. Troop with HMG, or Nomad Reverend Moira with MULTI Rifle.
-First choice of Infinity army pin
-800 Points for I.T.S. International Ranking

NorCon Deniable Ops 3rd Place Prize:

-Second choice of Infinity prize model
-Second choice of Infinity army pin
-650 Points for I.T.S. International Ranking

NorCon Deniable Ops 4th Place Prize:

-Army Pin
-500 Points for I.T.S. International Ranking

Other Participants:

-Army Pin
-350 Points for I.T.S. International Ranking

Player's Choice Award (Best painted and best sportsmanship as voted by all participants):

-Remaining Infinity Prize Model
-Choice of One Army Patch: Caledonia, Neoterra, ALEPH Assault Subsection, Ariadna Scouts, or EI Pulsar